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A member registered Sep 28, 2020

Recent community posts

OK, thanks. 

I have extracted the Windows 64 Zip file and run the ctjs app.

When I type in Project1 as my new project and click Create nothing happens.

In addition to that, every time I try to open and run a sample project I get an error message that says  Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory, mkdir '\\?

Have I missed a step in the installation? I have the software working on Mac however half of my students have a PC so I need to be able to teach them on both.

Any advice you could give me would be apprecited.

Best wishes,



I am a high school teacher and I teach Coding. One of my students found CT.JS and showed me and it looks great. When I download the Windows 64 version and unzip the compressed file, I get a number of errors. For example I can't create my own projects or successfully load other sample projects. Is there anyone who can give me advice on where to go for support?

Best wishes,


I am a high school teacher and I teach Coding. One of my students found CT.JS and showed me and it looks great. When I download the Windows 64 version and unzip the compressed file, I get a number of errors. For example I can't create my own projects or successfully load other sample projects. Is there anyone who can give me advice on where to go for support?

Best wishes,